The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a measure of outdoor air pollution. It has a range of values between 0 and 500. Here’s how the AQI is calculated and works:
How AQI is Measured
There are over a thousand monitors spread across the United States that measure air quality. The four pollutants they measure are particle pollution, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and ground-level ozone. The highest value for the day is what is reported.
Large cities are required to report the AQI to the public every day. Small cities don’t have to do so, but most do as a public health service. Most cities also report their forecast for the next day’s AQI. Arctic Air Of Southern Utah is based in St. George. We help people improve their home’s indoor air quality among other services.
What the AQI Values Mean
If the AQI is 0-50, that means the outdoor air quality conditions are good. A range of 51-100 is moderate while an AQI of 101-150 is unhealthy for sensitive people. An AQI of 151-200 is unhealthy for everyone, and an AQI of 201-300 is very unhealthy. A value of 301-500 is hazardous and regarded as a health emergency. Everyone is likely to be negatively impacted by this latter AQI.
How to Find Your AQI
You can find your location’s AQI on the AirNow Web internet site. This website offers the current AQI and a forecast for the next day for 300 cities. It has links to find more detailed information at the state and local levels. You can sign up for EnviroFlash, which will email you if your location’s outdoor air quality is expected to become a concern. You can also get the AQI from media such as radio, TV, and newspapers.
Your Trusted Heating and Cooling Provider
Arctic Air Of Southern Utah has helped customers since 1997. We offer heat and cooling services for all brands of equipment. This includes installation, replacement, maintenance, and repair. If you’d like to find out more, please contact us today.